Ontario Investing in Community Development and Skills Training Opportunities in the Dryden Region

DRYDENThrough the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC), the Ontario government is providing $56,530 for a community development project in Machin and $260,038 for eight internship opportunities in Dryden. These investments will improve municipal infrastructure, create jobs and develop career skills in Northwestern Ontario.

“Our government’s modernized NOHFC programming is not only a catalyst for revitalizing community spaces like the Happy Go Lucky Seniors Centre, it also creates valuable career and skills training opportunities for the next generation ,” said Greg Rickford, Minister of Northern Development and MPP for Kenora–Rainy River. “We’ve heard firsthand from businesses and community leaders that our investments have been instrumental in their growth, and we look forward to our continued partnerships.”

Projects receiving NOHFC funding include:

  • $56,530 for the Municipality of Machin to renovate the Happy Go Lucky Seniors Centre by installing a concrete outdoor walkway, new windows and door, and improving the facility’s acoustics, which will extend the life of the building, make it more energy efficient and accessible, and enhance user experience.
  • $35,000 for the City of Dryden to hire a Cultural Heritage Intern
  • $35,000 for Resource Equipment Sales, located in Dryden, to hire a Mechanic Intern
  • $29,900 for AgriTech North, located in Dryden, to hire a Hydroponics Technician Intern.

The NOHFC fosters economic growth, job creation and workforce development throughout the North, benefiting communities of all sizes, both rural and urban, including Indigenous communities. Since June 2018, the NOHFC has invested more than $864 million in 7,028 projects in Northern Ontario, leveraging more than $2.5 billion in investment and creating or sustaining over 10,932 jobs.

Quick Facts

  • The Ontario government’s improved NOHFC programming supports more projects in rural northern communities and makes it easier for more people and businesses to apply. The programming targets existing and emerging markets, provides more work opportunities for Indigenous people and addresses the skilled labour shortage in the North.

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