Ontario Supporting Community Development and Business Expansion Opportunities in Kenora Region

KENORAThe Ontario government is providing more than $7.4 million through the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) to 18 community and business development projects in the Kenora region. This investment will expand company operations, enhance community life and create good jobs in Northwestern Ontario.

“Since modernizing NOHFC programming, our government has helped more businesses expand here in the Kenora region and across the North, than ever before,” said Greg Rickford, Minister of Northern Development and MPP for Kenora–Rainy River. “The projects we are recognizing this evening – from enhancing community infrastructure for First Nation communities to supporting expanded veterinary services in the Northwest  – demonstrate the tangible difference our investments are making right in the community”

The NOHFC is funding the following business expansion projects:

  • $2 million for the Ojibways of Onigaming Nation to build a two-level, 23 thousand-square-foot facility consisting of an economic development centre with offices, child carespace, kitchen, gym, walking track, conference centre, multi-purpose training room, cultural centre and a small museum
  • $1.5 million for Anishinabe of Wauzhushk Onigum First Nation to build a new 9,600-square-foot education facility that delivers land-based and cultural programming to community members and area schools, $173,178 to build and equip a new radio station for the community, $139,824 to clean-up and remediate the Devil’s Gap site for future economic development, and $80,100 to provide an accessible washroom and changing facility at its Roundhouse
  • $800,000 for the City of Kenora to expand the current boat launch and parking lot located at the Moncrief Construction Sports Centre, formally Kenora Recreation Centre
  • $375,000 for Iskatewizaagegan #39 Independent First Nation to make safety upgrades to the Pow Wow Grounds, $166,000 to renovate and strengthen the infrastructure of Shoal Lake Lodge resort, and $6,000 towards last year’s 2023 Pow Wow celebration
  • $442,500 for Lake of the Woods Timber Corp. to establish a sawmill by making site improvements, purchasing equipment, marketing and investing in technology
  • $400,000 for Kenora Veterinary to expand services with new equipment and open a refurbished operating facility consisting of the Kenora Veterinary Clinic, the Northern Ontario Animal Rehab Centre
  • $200,000 for the Minaki Foundation to make improvements to the Minaki community’s dock.
  • $200,000 for Naotkamegwanning First Nation to repair and restore the Roundhouse and $200,000 to renovate the Pow Wow Grounds.
  • $200,000 for TLC Construction Limited to purchase equipment to provide full woodland services, increase hauling capacity and satisfy customer demand
  • $180,000 for Grand Council Treaty #3 to renovate and enhance the traditional sweat lodge of Gamikaan Bimaadiziwin, a land-based healing camp located on the shores of Bug Lake
  • $81,688 for Lake of the Woods Aviation Inc. to expand operations with new equipment, which include information and communications technology investments
  • $43,196 for Ingolf Campers Association Inc. to replace the flooring in the community hall

The NOHFC promotes economic growth, job creation, and workforce development across the North in communities large and small, rural and urban, including Indigenous communities. Since June 2018, the NOHFC has invested more than $790 million in 6,464 projects in Northern Ontario, leveraging more than $2.3 billion in investment and creating or sustaining over 9,930 jobs.

Quick Fact

  • The Ontario government launched new and improved NOHFC programs that support more projects in rural northern communities and make it easier for more people and businesses to apply. The programs target existing and emerging markets, provide more work opportunities for Indigenous people and address the skilled labour shortage in the North.

Additional Resources

  • The NOHFC’s Community Enhancement Program builds strong and resilient northern communities through targeted investments in critical infrastructure.
  • The NOHFC’s Invest North Program boosts economic growth and attracts more investment by supporting business development, expansion and innovation.


“Wauzhushk Onigum Nation is committed to social and economic growth to ensure a positive future for our community members. We have made significant investments in programming and infrastructure to support healing, wellness, community connection and economic prosperity. The funding of these projects in Wauzhushk Onigum Nation moves us towards achieving economic reconciliation and ‘mino-bimaadiziwin’ – living the good life – for our community members.” – Chief Chris Skead, Wauzhushk Onigum First Nation

“The improvements to the Moncrief Construction Sports Centre have increased parking capacity, which increases access to the lake for visitors and community members. With an added boat launch and walkway along Laurenson Creek, it connects the cross-town trail with the Laurenson Creek trail creating increased opportunity for tourism and outdoor recreation. We are grateful to have this provincial funding support and the remarkable improvements this project has made to our community.” – Mayor Andrew Poirier, City of Kenora

“With support from the Ontario government, Lake of the Woods Timber is committed to sustainable forestry and close ties to the Indigenous community. We strive to create meaningful training and employment opportunities to foster rewarding work and lifestyle for residents and First Nations people. With all the challenges facing small business, we are pleased that the Ontario government’s initiatives provide funding assistance to support organizations like Lake of the Woods Timber. Together, we share a vision for sustainable forestry and community involvement, creating a prosperous future that will meet the needs of builders and contractors.” – Dave Burt and Brigette Burt, Co-owners, Lake of the Woods Timber Corp.

“Very much needed ‘TLC’ so the people of Naotkamegwanning can enjoy the Roundhouse and Pow Wow grounds. Returning some pride to the community.” – Chief Garry Tom, Naotkamegwanning First Nation

“Minaki is grateful for this support. This funding will benefit our local residents, seasonal residents and visitors who will continue to enjoy summer water activities on our only public dock for years to come.” – Grace Tindall, Secretary, Minaki Foundation

“We are very grateful for the ongoing support of the province along with our partners in the next phase of Gamikaan Bimaadiziwin. This fund will support our program spaces and allow the good work and collaboration to continue to take place year-round, providing alternatives to support in healing.” – Grand Chief Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh, Grand Council Treaty #3

“The Ingolf Campers’ Association is thrilled to announce the successful completion of the New Community Hall Floor Project, thanks to the support from the NOHFC. The project involved replacing the aging flooring of the community hall with a new, modern surface, ensuring a safe and durable platform for various activities. This milestone achievement not only enhances the aesthetics of the hall but also enables the association to continue offering valuable programs and events for the Ingolf community.” – Tanis Paton, President, Ingolf Campers’ Association